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About union process

Union Process中国

1945年作为搅拌研磨机的发明人,Dr. Andrew Szegvari在美国俄亥俄州的Akron成立了Union Process Inc.,搅拌研磨技术成为Union Process 公司的起点。今天,搅拌研磨机已被认为是研磨或分散系统中非常有效的机器,并在世界上许多工业和研究领域中广泛使用。

2005年,美国Union Process进入了中国成立外资公司:快活视频app。致力于设计、研发、生产“卧式砂磨机&立式搅拌磨”,美国UP全系列机型采用结构件本地化生产,关键部件美国进口的方式在中国组装生产。着重于将优质、具性价比的产物奉献给您,同时拥有完备的实验室,向客户提供全方面的本地化实验服务,包含从微米级的粉体研磨和检测,满足您在产物精细研磨方面的需求。



* The year...1922
        As Dr. Andrew Szegvari prepared to display his new liquid latex process for making rubber goods at an exhibit in Paris, he needed an extremely fine sulfur dispersion to complete the vulcanizing process. Conventional ball milling methods in 1922 would have taken as long as a week to obtain the fineness he required.The problem…not enough time. Szegvari hit upon the idea of using pebbles, a gallon can, a drill press, and a special agitator he designed for the drill bit to achieve a fine dispersion.
        In 1945, Dr. Szegvari founded Union Process, operating in a small plant in downtown Akron, Ohio.The new company’s mission was to develop grinding and dispersing technology to help customers make fine dispersions quickly, reliably, and inexpensively. After more than 20 years of constant growth, the company moved in 1968 to its present location, a custom-built research, design, and production center just outside of Akron.This Midwest location provides convenient access for customers who choose to visit the Union Process headquarters.
* Union Process today
        Scores of patents, refinements and advancements later, Union Process milling technology now plays a vital role for many Fortune 500 companies in a wide array of industries including chemicals and tungsten carbide. In addition, the foremost chocolate and confectionary processors, ink, paper, agricultural flowables, metal, magnetic oxide, coal, mineral, rubber, pharmaceutical, cosmetic and ceramic producers all employ Union Process milling technology.
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